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- *3@2
- Interviews - Hans-Joerg Frieden*2@1
- Date of birth: 14-Aug-1968@4
- Place of residence: Trier, Germany (near the border with Luxembourg)
- @1
- DAD:]5@5 Could you please introduce yourself briefly. What
- interests do you have in your spare time?
- *2]1@1
- HJF:@3 Mostly computing, to be honest. Computers have fascinated
- me since my early days. I like computer games and I do a lot of
- programming even in my spare time. Besides that, I like good
- music (that's a definition :-), Formula One racing (but I am
- not a Michael Schumacher fan), Magic the Gathering and other
- CCG's, and did I mention programming?
- @1
- DAD:]5@5 When was the first time you worked with a computer? Which
- computer was it? Which is your current computer platform of
- choice?
- *2]1@1
- HJF:@3 My first computer... That was a small box my father built,
- an Intel 8080 (one of the first in Germany) with a little
- memory and a hex display that could display a four digit
- address and a two-digit byte contents. The beast was programmed
- directly in machine code, using a 15 key hex keyboard. Later we
- added an 80x40 ASCII screen. I was about 8 years old by that
- time and learned programming assembler later... The next thing
- was the machine called "Philips P410", a mainframe that had 16
- megabytes of magnetic core memory (magnetic core memory does
- not loose its contents when switched off) and two printers for
- output (no screen, just a one-line display and the printers). I
- learned COBOL on that crate and managed to program my first
- database application together with my brother. Later came a
- P4500 (the follow-up with 64 KB of memory, up to 256 ASCII
- serial terminals and a 5 meg harddisk). Then we bought Sinclair
- ZX Spectrum 48K and later the 128K. The first Amiga came in
- 1998. Currently I use Amiga, Windows and Linux. If I am
- completely honest, Amiga has degraded a bit for me, and usually
- after my work is done I switch it off and use Linux (for
- internet, for example). I've grown a bit tired of the Amiga
- because of the constant trouble (WarpOS vs. PowerUP/MorphOS,
- Mediator Vs. G-REX, CGX vs. P96). I hope that things will pick
- up again with the release of the AmigaOne and OS 4.x, so we can
- have a clean break and leave the past behind. I am very
- positive that Amiga, Inc. can do that.
- @1
- DAD:]5@5 By looking at your work one can see you are a very good 3D
- programmer. Where and how did you learn all this?
- *2]1@1
- HJF:@3 The key to all this is mathematics. At its core, 3D
- programming is a pure form of linear algebra. I studied that at
- university. Secondly, there is the internet. It's a big source
- of information, and you can find practically everything there.
- There is a lot of crap out there, but there are a few very good
- sites for games and 3D programming, like www.gamasutra.com,
- www.gamedev.net and also www.lionhead.co.uk (the latter being
- the software company behind Black & White, they do have a good
- forum though).
- @1
- DAD:]5@5 Do you have any advice for beginners who would like to
- start programming 3D graphics? Where should they start? How
- should they learn?
- *2]1@1
- HJF:@3 Learn your math. 3D graphics is pure mathematics, so first
- of all pick up a textbook on linear algebra, read it, and
- understand it (the last part is the most difficult one). You
- got to know what <a,b> means, what the norm of a vector is, and
- most of all, what a vector is (hint: It's not an arrow :-)
- Next, go to the internet and look around. Look at some of the
- web pages mentioned above. Download the source of a few demos
- or games (Quake, for example), and have a look at this. Read a
- good book, there are quite a few available (I recommend
- "Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice", by Foley, VanDam
- e.a., the Second edition in C). Then, write your own code. Keep
- it simple. But once you have written a rotating cube all by
- yourself, you know it. This sounds like a long way to go, and
- in fact it is. But knowledge comes by learning :-) If you see a
- 3D game and ask yourself how this is done, then you're on the
- right track...
- @1
- DAD:]5@5 How did you get involved with Hyperion Entertainment? What
- is your job in the company? Which projects have you worked on
- and what is your current project?
- *2]1@1
- HJF: @3 I've known Steffen Haeuser for quite some time. He knew a
- Belgian lawyer called Ben Hermans who wondered why no one ever
- tried to license PC games and do a port. My brother and me had
- done some porting in the past (most notably Descent and Abuse)
- and had earned some reputation due to Warp3D. This was why Ben
- contacted us with the offer to join Hyperion Entertainment.
- Right now my official title is "Senior Software Engineer". My
- main work is programming, and I also manage some of the
- projects. Among these was Heretic II, our first game.
- @1
- DAD:]5@5 Hyperion Entertainment is a company oriented at porting
- software to three non-mainstream computer platforms: Amiga, Mac
- and Linux. Whose idea was this development orientation? Is it
- proving to be a wise decision?
- *2]1@1
- HJF:@3 The idea originated because we felt that companies would
- be more interested if the Macintosh was involved. Later on we
- thought that it might be easy to also support Linux. So we
- added that to the fray.
- @1
- DAD:]5@5 How do you decide which of your three supported platforms
- has a higher priority?
- *2]1@1
- HJF:@3 It depends. Right now the Amiga version of Shogo has
- highest priority because it is practically finished (the master
- is being prepared as I'm typing this). We try to be flexible.
- @1
- DAD:]5@5 Your first released product was Heretic II. Are you
- satisfied with the response of the community and the customers?
- Did you expect it to be better or worse?
- *2]1@1
- HJF:@3 I expected more sales to be honest. It was nowhere near
- covering the costs, left alone making some profit. Otherwise I
- am quite happy with how it turned out. We are aware that it was
- only really playable on a 603/240 or a 604, but we feel that it
- was as good as it can get... Feedback from the customers was
- almost always very positive.
- @1
- DAD:]5@5 Heretic II is certainly the most advanced 3D game released
- for the Amiga at the moment. Where there any particular
- technical difficulties you had to overcome during the
- development?
- *2]1@1
- HJF:@3 Yes, there was quite an amount of things. First of all we
- didn't want to use Mesa. The old 3.1 port was rather slow, and
- so we started doing MiniGL (mostly my own and my brothers work)
- as a layer on top of Warp3D that could mimic the OpenGL API and
- provide the 3D speed we needed for Heretic II's Quake II
- engine. Memory consumption was the second issue. The Windows PC
- has virtual memory, something that we don't have on PPC Amigas.
- So we had to pull every trick to actually get the thing to run
- in 64 megabytes. We originally hoped for 32 MB, but that was
- impossible. Finally, the CPU speed was an issue. We think we
- have done a very good job for Shogo, most people will find it
- is more playable and much smoother than Heretic II, due to the
- modifications of Warp3D V4.
- @1
- DAD:]5@5 As a part of porting Heretic II you also ported the Quake
- II graphics engine. Does this mean less work for porting other
- Quake II based games? How much does it help you in your current
- work of porting Sin?
- *2]1@1
- HJF: @3 A lot. The Quake II Engine always consists of the engine
- itself and the code that defines the game. In the case of Sin,
- the engine was practically ported (safe a few minor things),
- only the game code needed completely new porting...
- @1
- DAD:]5@5 Shogo for Amiga is almost complete. How difficult was it
- to port this game in comparison to Heretic II?
- *2]1@1
- HJF:@3 Shogo was a lot more difficult in almost any aspect. It
- was written for DirectX, whereas Heretic II was using the
- OpenGL API. DirectX does a lot of things completely different.
- Furthermore, it also uses DirectSound (Heretic II's sound
- system is much simpler) and DirectInput. It used Windows dialog
- code and the Microsoft Foundation classes. There was also some
- issues with it being Visual C++, which has some, well, strange
- "features". All this was hard to port, this is the reason why
- it took us so long.
- @1
- DAD: ]5@5 Shogo uses the LithTech graphics engine. Does porting
- Shogo also mean less work in case of porting other LithTech
- based games?
- *2]1@1
- HJF: @3 Yes, if the game uses the same version of the engine
- (1.5). Right now LithTech went up to 3.0, and this will
- probably require major rework to get it running on our target
- platforms. But games that directly use 1.5 are very easy to
- port now.
- @1
- DAD:]5@5 Can you already tell us which will be your next game for
- Amiga and its approximate release date? What about licences for
- new ports?
- *2]1@1
- HJF:@3 Our next games after Shogo will probably be (in no
- particular order) Freespace, Majesty, Alien Nation and Sin. We
- hope to release them in rapid succession (like one game per
- month). We do have new licences in preparation, but I can't
- disclose any of them right now.
- @1
- DAD:]5@5 You also released some 3D libraries (MiniGL and Warp3D)
- which were developed along with your game projects. Why did you
- decide to release them for free?
- *2]1@1
- HJF:@3 Warp3D was started long before Hyperion existed, and never
- was a Hyperion project. We started Warp3D together with Sam
- Jordan simply because nothing like it existed before. I was
- disappointed that when I bought my CyberVision64/3D, I could
- not use the 3D part. The rest, as they say, is history. For
- MiniGL, the motivation was different. When we finished Heretic
- II, we thought that the rest of the developer community would
- also benefit from it, and we had hope that someone might add
- some stuff to it and release it back to the community.
- Unfortunately nothing like this happened, but it enabled
- Massimiliano Tretene to do his QuakeGL port. Massimiliano also
- added a new texture format to it.
- @1
- DAD:]5@5 You are also a partner of Amiga, Inc. Can you tell us what
- are the benefits from this partnership for both companies? In
- the light of the recent Amiga announcements: are you going to
- write ports of the licensed games for AmigaDE, AmigaOS or both
- of them?
- *2]1@1
- HJF:@3 We will definitely support AmigaOS 4.x and beyond. If it
- makes sense, we will also support the DE, although the target
- market for the DE is rather a low end. For example, since
- Heretic II requires 64 Megs of memory, you will hardly want to
- run that on a PDA or cell phone. We benefit from this
- partnership because we do get a chance to have influence on the
- future OS. This is a great opportunity.
- @1
- DAD:]5@5 Do you have any thoughts you'd like to share with us in
- the end?
- *2]1@1
- HJF:@3 (not really, sorry :-)
- @1
- DAD:]5@5 Thank you very much for your answers.
- @2
- (C)2000-2001 Damir Arh, All rights reserved.